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Lookup NU author(s): Ben Stainthorpe, Dr Mohamed DahidahORCiD, Professor Volker Pickert
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Using a synchronous FET in a DC-DC converter canmitigate diode conduction losses as the FET conduction voltageis much lower than the forward voltage of a diode. However,a synchronous topology does not feature natural self-switchingof a diode rectifier. A common converter switching methodachieves Zero Voltage Switching through Valley Switching in theBoundary Conduction Mode, using the natural self-switching ofthe output diode to indicate current decaying to zero, howevera synchronous topology is more complex to implement withthis method. In this paper, a novel method of implementing asynchronous FET with the Valley Switching method is presented,realized by predicting the inductor discharge time. An efficiencyincrease of up to 2.86% is found using the synchronous topologyand an estimated 93.59% of diode conduction loss is mitigated.The method is designed for high efficiency emergency LEDdrivers.
Author(s): Stainthorpe B, Dahidah M, Pickert V
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: ECCE 2024
Year of Conference: 2024
Pages: 8
Online publication date: 24/10/2024
Acceptance date: 02/04/2018
Date deposited: 10/01/2025
Publisher: IEEE