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Lookup NU author(s): Professor John MathersORCiD, Dr Oliver ShannonORCiD
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© 2024 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.Georgia lies to the north east of Türkiye, having a western border on the Black Sea. With a population of some 3.73 million, Georgia has a tradition of gastronomic excellence dating back millennia. However, changing lifestyles and external influences have, as elsewhere, led to problems of suboptimal nutrition, and lifestyle related diseases and disorders prevail. There is considerable scope for improving the focus on public health and nutrition in Georgia. With this in mind, the Georgian Nutrition Society teamed up with The Nutrition Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland and the Sabri Ülker Foundation, a public health charity based in Istanbul, Türkiye, to host a conference and workshops in Tbilisi, Georgia. The primary purpose was to review the current status of public health and nutrition in Georgia with reference to the situation elsewhere, to share examples of best practice and to identify opportunities for improvement. A particular highlight was the presentation of a programme of nutrition education for family physicians recently implemented in Türkiye.This summary of the proceedings is intended as a blueprint for action in Georgia and also to inspire others to consider how public health might be improved via a focus on balanced nutrition.
Author(s): Stowell JD, Mathers JC, Stanley M, Aksakal FNB, Aslett-Bentley A, Banati D, Bobokhidze E, Catar OU, Dinc O, Gvamichava R, Mutus B, Saunders C, Shannon O, Tewfik I
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: British Journal of Nutrition
Year: 2024
Pages: epub ahead of print
Online publication date: 08/03/2024
Acceptance date: 02/04/2023
ISSN (print): 0007-1145
ISSN (electronic): 1475-2662
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/S0007114524000618
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