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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Ruth McGovernORCiD, Debbie SmartORCiD, Dr Hayley AldersonORCiD, Tony FouweatherORCiD, Professor Eileen KanerORCiD
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© The Author(s) 2023. Medical Council on Alcohol and Oxford University Press.Many parents who come into contact with early help and children’s social care services are risky drinkers. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a trial of brief alcohol interventions within this setting. We conducted a three-arm pilot feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial in the North-East of England. The additive interventions were: i) screening and a healthy lifestyle leaflet (control); ii) brief advice; iii) extended brief intervention. The trial was later reduced to two-arm due to the extended brief intervention being infeasible. Of the 1769 parents that were approached, 429 consented to be screened (24%), the majority were eligible to participate (n = 415; 97%), 147 of which (35%) scored ≥5 on the AUDIT-C screening tool. There were 108 parents (74%) who consented to participate in the trial (n = 50 control; n = 58 brief advice). Follow-up rates at 6 and 12-months were 61% and 43%. The TLFB30 was found to be a suitable tool to measure the primary outcome of heavy episodic drinking. Qualitative data showed that parents and practitioners largely found trial procedures to be acceptable, however, care should be taken when discussing alcohol risk with parents in this setting. Most of the a-priori success criteria were met in this pilot feasibility trial. The findings suggest that it may be feasible to conduct a two-arm randomised controlled trial of brief alcohol interventions to parents in contact with early help and social care. The TLFB30 was found to be a suitable tool to measure the primary outcome of heavy episodic drinking.
Author(s): McGovern R, Smart D, Alderson H, Fouweather T, Kaner E
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism
Year: 2024
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Print publication date: 01/01/2024
Online publication date: 09/11/2023
Acceptance date: 23/10/2023
ISSN (print): 0735-0414
ISSN (electronic): 1464-3502
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agad076
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