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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Andrew LindridgeORCiD
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This omnibus paper brings together a number of esteemed editors and associate editors in order to share a variety of perspectives on academic publishing within the marketing discipline. Together, they provide glimpses into current thinking on some of the most pressing and current debates which we are struggling with, for example: impact, originality, bias, alienation, and the need for communities of thought. Polyvocally, this omnibus reflects on the many failures of our discipline and provides some routes forward in reframing our field’s epistemic assumptions.
Author(s): Preece C, Cappellini B, Larsen G, Bhogal-Nair A, Bradshaw A, Chatzidakis A, Goulding C, Isobel Keeling D, Lindridge AM, Maclaran P, Marshall GW, Parsons L
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Journal of Marketing Management
Year: 2023
Volume: 39
Issue: 9-10
Pages: 841-851
Print publication date: 01/09/2023
Acceptance date: 01/01/2023
ISSN (print): 0267-257X
ISSN (electronic): 1472-1376
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2023.2244504
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