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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Andrew LindridgeORCiD
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Using the Capability Approach (CA) as a means of identifying the barriers that individuals with disabilities face in achieving their goals, this conceptual paper aims to provoke discussion and identify how society excludes and marginalises individuals with disabilities. As framed through the lens of consumer vulnerability, reimagining how society, policy makers and the market can transform lived experiences, representation and symbolism of disability, this paper calls for a coherent and integrated set of actions. Central to these actions is a proposal for a transformative approach tomarketplace access as a coordinated force to deliver positive change for people with disabilities. Through developing a new conceptual way of how the market should engage with disability, this paper presents proposals looking to ensure individuals with disabilities experience the conditions in which they can pursue their ultimate ends.
Author(s): Bhogal-Nair B, Lindridge AM, Tadajewski M, Moufahim M, Alcoforado D, Cheded M, Figueiredo B, Liu C
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Journal of Marketing Management
Year: 2024
Volume: 40
Issue: 5-6
Pages: 512-541
Online publication date: 06/11/2023
Acceptance date: 26/07/2023
Date deposited: 14/11/2023
ISSN (print): 0267-257X
ISSN (electronic): 1472-1376
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2023.2271020
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