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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Alexander PhillipsORCiD, Dr Jakub Chmelo, Joshua Brown
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© 2023 The AuthorsIntroduction: Failure to rescue (FTR) is an important outcome measure after esophagectomy and reflects mortality after postoperative complications. Differences in FTR have been associated with hospital resection volume. However, insight into how centers manage complications and achieve their outcomes is lacking. Anastomotic leak (AL) is a main contributor to FTR. This study aimed to assess differences in FTR after AL between centers, and to identify factors that explain these differences. Methods: TENTACLE – Esophagus is a multicenter, retrospective cohort study, which included 1509 patients with AL after esophagectomy. Differences in FTR were assessed between low-volume (<20 resections), middle-volume (20–60 resections) and high-volume centers (≥60 resections). Mediation analysis was performed using logistic regression, including possible mediators for FTR: case-mix, hospital resources, leak severity and treatment. Results: FTR after AL was 11.7%. After adjustment for confounders, FTR was lower in high-volume vs. low-volume (OR 0.44, 95%CI 0.2–0.8), but not versus middle-volume centers (OR 0.67, 95%CI 0.5–1.0). After mediation analysis, differences in FTR were found to be explained by lower leak severity, lower secondary ICU readmission rate and higher availability of therapeutic modalities in high-volume centers. No statistically significant direct effect of hospital volume was found: high-volume vs. low-volume 0.86 (95%CI 0.4–1.7), high-volume vs. middle-volume OR 0.86 (95%CI 0.5–1.4). Conclusion: Lower FTR in high-volume compared with low-volume centers was explained by lower leak severity, less secondary ICU readmissions and higher availability of therapeutic modalities. To reduce FTR after AL, future studies should investigate effective strategies to reduce leak severity and prevent secondary ICU readmission.
Author(s): Ubels S, Matthee E, Verstegen M, Klarenbeek B, Bouwense S, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Daams F, Dekker JWT, van Det MJ, van Esser S, Griffiths EA, Haveman JW, Nieuwenhuijzen G, Siersema PD, Wijnhoven B, Hannink G, van Workum F, Rosman C, Slootmans CAM, Ultee G, Gisbertz SS, Eshuis WJ, Kalff MC, Feenstra ML, van der Peet DL, Stam WT, Van Etten B, Poelmann F, Vuurberg N, Willem van den Berg J, Martijnse IS, Matthijsen RM, Luyer M, Curvers W, Nieuwenhuijzen T, Taselaar AE, Kouwenhoven EA, Lubbers M, Sosef M, Lecot F, Geraedts TCM, van den Wildenberg F, Kelder W, Baas PC, de Haas JWA, Hartgrink HH, Bahadoer RR, van Sandick JW, Hartemink KJ, Veenhof X, Stockmann H, Gorgec B, Weeder P, Wiezer MJ, Genders CMS, Belt E, Blomberg B, van Duijvendijk P, Claassen L, Reetz D, Steenvoorde P, Mastboom W, Klein Ganseij HJ, van Dalsen AD, Joldersma A, Zwakman M, Groenendijk RPR, Montazeri M, Mercer S, Knight B, van Boxel G, McGregor RJ, Skipworth RJE, Frattini C, Bradley A, Nilsson M, Hayami M, Huang B, Bundred J, Evans R, Grimminger PP, van der Sluis PC, Eren U, Saunders J, Theophilidou E, Khanzada Z, Elliott JA, Ponten J, King S, Reynolds JV, Sgromo B, Akbari K, Shalaby S, Gutschow CA, Schmidt H, Vetter D, Moorthy K, Ibrahim MAH, Christodoulidis G, Rasanen JV, Kauppi J, Soderstrom H, Koshy R, Manatakis DK, Korkolis DP, Balalis D, Rompu A, Alkhaffaf B, Alasmar M, Arebi M, Piessen G, Nuytens F, Degisors S, Ahmed A, Boddy A, Gandhi S, Fashina O, Van Daele E, Pattyn P, Robb WB, Arumugasamy M, Al Azzawi M, Whooley J, Colak E, Aybar E, Sari AC, Uyanik MS, Ciftci AB, Sayyed R, Ayub B, Murtaza G, Saeed A, Ramesh P, Charalabopoulos A, Liakakos T, Schizas D, Baili E, Kapelouzou A, Valmasoni M, Pierobon ES, Capovilla G, Merigliano S, Constantinoiu S, Birla R, Achim F, Rosianu CG, Hoara P, Castro RG, Salcedo AF, Negoi I, Negoita VM, Ciubotaru C, Stoica B, Hostiuc S, Colucci N, Monig SP, Wassmer C-H, Meyer J, Takeda FR, Aissar Sallum RA, Ribeiro U, Cecconello I, Toledo E, Trugeda MS, Fernandez MJ, Gil C, Castanedo S, Isik A, Kurnaz E, Videira JF, Peyroteo M, Canotilho R, Weindelmayer J, Giacopuzzi S, De Pasqual CA, Bruna M, Mingol F, Vaque J, Perez C, Phillips AW, Chmelo J, Brown J, Han LE, Gossage JA, Davies AR, Baker CR, Kelly M, Saad M, Bernardi D, Bonavina L, Asti E, Riva C, Scaramuzzo R, Elhadi M, Ahmed HA, Elhadi A, Elnagar FA, Msherghi AAA, Wills V, Campbell C, Cerdeira MP, Whiting S, Merrett N, Das A, Apostolou C, Lorenzo A, Sousa F, Barbosa JA, Devezas V, Barbosa E, Fernandes C, Smith G, Li EY, Bhimani N, Chan P, Kotecha K, Hii MW, Ward SM, Johnson M, Read M, Chong L, Hollands MJ, Allaway M, Richardson A, Johnston E, Chen AZL, Kanhere H, Prasad S, McQuillan P, Surman T, Trochsler M, Schofield WA, Ahmed SK, Reid JL, Harris MC, Gananadha S, Farrant J, Rodrigues N, Fergusson J, Hindmarsh A, Afzal Z, Safranek P, Sujendran V, Rooney S, Loureiro C, Fernandez SL, Diez del Val I, Jaunoo S, Kennedy L, Hussain A, Theodorou D, Triantafyllou T, Theodoropoulos C, Palyvou T, Ben Taher FA, Ekheel M, Heisterkamp J, Polat F, Schouten J, Singh P
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: European Journal of Surgical Oncology
Year: 2023
Volume: 49
Issue: 5
Pages: 974-982
Print publication date: 01/05/2023
Online publication date: 19/01/2023
Acceptance date: 11/01/2023
Date deposited: 28/03/2023
ISSN (print): 0748-7983
ISSN (electronic): 1532-2157
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejso.2023.01.010
PubMed id: 36732207
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