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Design of a novel 2D ultrasonic transducer for 2D high-frequency vibration–assisted micro-machining

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Vinod Satpute, Dr Dehong Huo, Dr John HedleyORCiD, Dr Mohammed Elgendy



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© 2023, The Author(s).Ultrasonic vibration–assisted machining (VAM) is a process in which a tool or workpiece is vibrated using ultrasonic frequency small-amplitude vibrations to improve cutting performance, and an ultrasonic transducer usually generates these vibrations. This study investigates how two-dimensional vibrations are generated using axially polled piezoceramics. Modifying the wave propagation in geometric ways by creating a notch at the front mass, the longitudinal response excited by the axially polled piezoceramic discs can be converted into combined longitudinal and bending vibrations at the transducer front mass. Finite element analysis (FEA) software COMSOL is used to study wave propagation, and ANSYS is used to optimize the transducer’s mechanical structure, while an equivalent circuit approach is used to analyze the electrical impedance spectra and confirm its resonance frequency. An experimental analysis of impedance response and amplitude of generated vibrations using the novel 2D ultrasonic transducer is conducted to validate the numerical and analytical results, which shows that resonance frequency results are in very good agreement with the theoretical model. Finally, the proposed design is validated by preliminary test results that demonstrate its performance and principles.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Satpute V, Huo D, Hedley J, Elgendy M

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Year: 2023

Volume: 126

Pages: 1035-1053

Print publication date: 01/05/2023

Online publication date: 06/03/2023

Acceptance date: 23/02/2023

Date deposited: 20/03/2023

ISSN (print): 0268-3768

ISSN (electronic): 1433-3015

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH


DOI: 10.1007/s00170-023-11154-1


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