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Lookup NU author(s): Idris Musa, Dr John HedleyORCiD
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RF-based sensors are an attractive option for structural-health-monitoring applications, due to the ease of access of interrogating such sensors. However, in most work, only scalar quantities are measured, giving no indication of the direction of strain or displacements. In this paper, a novel approach to displacement sensing is presented, in which relative displacements are tracked in all three degrees of freedom. The sensor design is based on a pair of coupled line-element filters whose frequency-dependent forward-power transfer is sensitive to relative positions between the two filters. Multiple features in the S21 parameter are used to differentiate displacement direction. Gold-based devices were fabricated on quartz substrates, and characterised through vector-network-analyzer measurements. Results demonstrate uncoupled sensitivities of -1.41 MHz/mm, -1.74 MHz/mm and 12.23 MHz/mm for x, y and z displacements, respectively.
Author(s): Musa I, Hedley J
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Sensors
Year: 2022
Volume: 22
Issue: 22
Online publication date: 18/11/2022
Acceptance date: 16/11/2022
Date deposited: 19/11/2022
ISSN (electronic): 1424-8220
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/s22228908
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