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The Sound of Hate Mariam Rezaei For decades, the Middle East has been unsettled by war. These are wars of governments and we are all living with their legacy of hatred. Iran is currently living with a recession imposed by US and UK sanctions. The Iraqi people have been played like a pawn by the US and UK. Both the US and UK governments are complicit in murdering tens of thousands of people on the other side of the planet, as well as their own soldiers. Blood is shed. Lives are lost. No one remembers. In one sweeping and empty moment, the prime minister or president will apologise. They then continue to fuel their own careers and make money through private means. When Boris Johnson was UK Foreign Secretary, he was ‘rewarded’ by the British people by becoming Prime Minster. Tony Blair is paid millions of pounds to give guest lectures at universities all over the world. Of all the hate speech from all over the world, the worst kind of hate speech comes from within minority communities. Internalising white feminist racism, Priti Patel has turned her back on people seeking asylum. Of all the insidious hatred, this is the worst kind. If her laws were in place when her parents first came to the UK, they would not have been able to settle there, and she would not be the British foreign secretary today. ‘The Sound of Hate’ is a very personal perspective on the hatred I have felt and perceived throughout my childhood and family history. As a British-Iranian woman, I am terrified that if I travelled to Iran today, I could become another Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. I am terrified that Priti Patel, a female politician of global heritage that I should be able to relate to, is so hateful. Her legacy as a politician will see the end to people’s right to protest, the privitisation and introduction of super prisons in the UK, and so much more. These matters are not simple. There is no easy solution. We should not and cannot tolerate racism and hatred in our governments. To paraphrase Priti Patel, “we need to remove those people” – we need to remove those people from power.This work is for a 8.1 multi-channel speaker set up. The work utilises speech from Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khomeini, Tony Blair, Boris Johnson and Priti Patel. All sounds have been composed through looping, sampling and layering of speech with electronic processing.
Composer(s): Rezaei M
Publication type: Musical Composition
Publication status: Published
Editor(s): Marhaug L
Year: 2021
Publisher: Ekko Fesitval 2021, Norway
Place Published: Ekko Fesitval 2021, Norway
Type of Work: Multi-channel electroacoustic turntablist work