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Numerical investigation of propeller-ice interaction effects

Lookup NU author(s): Professor Pengfei LiuORCiD



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An innovative numerical tool has been developed to assess the effects of propeller-ice interaction on the loadsacting on the propellers. The loads are calculated as the sum of the separable hydrodynamic loads, the inseparablehydrodynamic loads and the ice contact loads. The separable hydrodynamic loads are the loads acting onthe propeller in ice-free water whereas the inseparable hydrodynamic loads act on the propeller due to the iceblockage effect. Both of these loads are calculated by a panel based code. The ice-contact loads, i.e. the loadsoriginating from the physical contact between the ice particles and the propeller, have a significant contributionto the total loads acting on the propeller and are calculated using the empirical formulae. The calculated loadsare transferred to a commercial Finite Element Solver that calculates the stresses and strains developed by thesaid loads across the propeller blades. Several interaction scenarios are modeled & compared, and the effect ofvarious parameters is quantified. The simulation tool is calibrated based on the results from a model testcampaign in which a linear feeding device is used to guide ice floes into a rotating model propeller to be milledunder controlled conditions.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Khan A, Hisette Q, Streckwall H, Liu P

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Ocean Engineering

Year: 2020

Volume: 216

Print publication date: 15/11/2020

Online publication date: 18/09/2020

Acceptance date: 27/06/2020

Date deposited: 23/10/2020

ISSN (print): 0029-8018

ISSN (electronic): 1873-5258

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd


DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107716

