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The Energy Loss Due to Interconnections in Paralleled Cell Configurations of Lithium-IonBatteries in Electric Vehicles

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Mohamed Ahmeid, Dr Musbahu MuhammadORCiD, Dr Zoran MilojevicORCiD, Dr Simon LambertORCiD, Dr Pierrot Attidekou



This is the authors' accepted manuscript of a conference proceedings (inc. abstract) that has been published in its final definitive form by IEEE, 2019.

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In Electric vehicles, the Li-ion battery reaches itsend of life when the capacity is decreased to 80% of the initialrated capacity. However, a battery with only 20% used capacitydoes not mean the battery cannot be used in a secondaryapplication with less current demand, in a controlled and secureenvironment. This necessitates a comprehensive understandingof the configuration of the end of life (EoL) batteries in moduleand pack level, in terms of inconsistencies in capacity andimpedance of the cells forming the module and hence the batterypack. Accordingly, a safer and longer second life use can begranted. This paper investigates the impact of parallelconnection on the impedance and capacity of four, pouchlithium-ion cells forming a battery module in 2P 2Sconfiguration. The energy storage capacity and the ACimpedance of each parallel pair and individual cells arerecorded and compared. The results highlight that the capacityloss due to the parallel connection is 6% less than the sum of theindividual capacity for each cell. With the help of a developedequivalent circuit model, the ohmic resistance of the pair andcell is estimated to demonstrate the contribution ofinterconnections in increasing the total impedance and hence theperceived loss of capacity in the parallel connection.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Ahmeid M, Muhammad M, Milojevic Z, Lambert S, Attidekou PS

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Electric Energy (IFEEC 2019)

Year of Conference: 2019

Online publication date: 28/11/2019

Acceptance date: 02/04/2018

Date deposited: 04/12/2019

Publisher: IEEE


Series Editor(s): 4th International Future Electric Energy Conference
