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A perspective on the current and future roles of additive manufacturing in process engineering with an emphasis on heat transfer [Plenary Talk]

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Jonathan McDonoughORCiD


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Numerous process engineering applications are now exploiting additive manufacturing (AM) to produce more advanced concepts that are delivering demonstrable performance improvements. In the subject area of heat transferfor example, this includes the fabrication of bespoke heat exchangers, recuperators and heat pipes [1,2,3], some of whichare specifically being used to solveproblems in real industrial settings. In this talk, three specific examples of AM that are being researched in the Process Intensification Group(PIG)at Newcastle University will be discussed, and then abstracted/generalised to provide a perspective on how AM can be best exploited now and in the future.Additionally, this talk will also provide an overview of the current state of AM, and will provide a brief overview of each of the main AM technologies and their major advantages, disadvantages and current/potential applications.AM might presently be better considered as a tool like any conventional manufacturing processrather than a one-size fits all approach, whereas in the future, AM might becomea moreintegrated toolfor the fabrication of plant equipment that hybridises multiple unit operations. The main work prior to the realisation of the latter will be increasing the knowledge-base of PI-technologies –several EU projects are already working toward this goal (examplesinclude IbD andPRINTCR3DIT) [4,5]. Theprojectsin the PIGthat will be discussed that are also relatedto this research goal are: (1) the miniaturisation of the Torbed® technology (Figure 1a) for screening adsorbents for carbon capture (in collaboration with Torftech Group Ltd., HeriotWatt University and University of Sheffield)[6], (2) proposing novel heat pipe wick geometries that could potentially fully optimise thethermal performanceof heat pipes(work commissioned by HiETA[7]and SES Engineering Services), and (3) producing bespoke and complex reactor geometries that can be used in conjunction with dynamic reactor operation (e.g. oscillatory flow) to unlock new operating windows(Figures 1b and 1c)[8].[1]Faure, R. (2018). Innovative reactors for H2-SMR process intensification (Air Liquide). In:1stEuropean Forum on New Technologies: Chemical Engineering & 3D Printing, 7thSeptember, Paris, France[2]Kiener, C. (2018). Software solutions for digital AM process chains (Siemens). In:1stEuropean Forum on New Technologies: Chemical Engineering & 3D Printing, 7thSeptember, Paris, France[3]Jafari, D., Wits, W.W., Geurts, B.J. (2018). Metal 3D-printed wick structures for heat pipe application: Capillary performance analysis. Appled Thermal Engineering 143, 403-414[4]Intensified by Design (IbD), (2019).[5]Grande, C. (2018). PRINTCR3DIT EU Project: Process Intensification through Adaptable Catalytic Reactors made by 3D Printing (Sintef). In:1stEuropean Forum on New Technologies: Chemical Engineering & 3D Printing, 7thSeptember, Paris, France[6]McDonough, J.R., Law, R., Reay, D.A., Zivkovic, V. (2018). Intensified carbon capture using adsorption: Heat transfer challenges and potential solutions. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 8, 17-30[7]HiETA Technologies (2019).[8]McDonough, J.R., Murta, S., Law, R., Harvey, A.P. Oscillatory fluid motion unlocks plug flow operation in helical tube reactors at lower Reynolds numbers (Re ≤ 10). Chemical Engineering Journal 358, 643-657

Publication metadata

Author(s): McDonough JR

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference

Year of Conference: 2019

Acceptance date: 10/09/2019

