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Modelling, Design and Control of Cascaded H-bridge Single Phase Rectifier

Lookup NU author(s): Nasiru Kadandani, Dr Salaheddine Ethni, Dr Mohamed DahidahORCiD, hamza Khalfalla



This is the authors' accepted manuscript of a conference proceedings (inc. abstract) that has been published in its final definitive form by IEEE, 2019.

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This paper describes first the mathematical model of a single phase cascaded H-bridge rectifier with three modules. Secondly, a direct-quadrature (DQ) synchronous reference frame transformation is employed in transforming the orthogonal pair of the rectifier output voltage and current and their corresponding time shifted versions from stationary frame to rotating frame synchronous to the line frequency. A controller is designed based on this transformation for regulating the rectifier DC link capacitor voltages to the desired level. Simulation results show that the controller is capable of maintaining the DC link capacitor voltages to the reference values even during unbalanced load.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Kadandani N, Ethni S, Dahidah M, Khalfalla H

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: The 10th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC)

Year of Conference: 2019

Acceptance date: 02/04/2018

Date deposited: 06/06/2019

Publisher: IEEE

