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Lookup NU author(s): He Liu Liu, Dr Mohamed DahidahORCiD, Dr Matthew Armstrong
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article that has been published in its final definitive form by IET, 2019.
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This paper presents the design and control of an advancedunidirectional DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)that facilitate the integration of off-shore windfarms with theHigh-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system.The proposed converter deploys a single-phase MMC invertercoupled with series-connected rectifier modules throughmultiple medium frequency transformers. Unlike theconventional d-q control method, which involves multipletransformations, this paper also proposes a simple controlstrategy that directly act on the ac output of the MMC, underthe stationary reference frame.
Author(s): Liu H, Dahidah MSA, Naayagi RT, Armstrong M, Yu J
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: IET Journal of Engineering
Year: 2019
Volume: 2019
Issue: 17
Pages: 4309-4314
Online publication date: 17/06/2019
Acceptance date: 27/07/2018
Date deposited: 03/09/2018
ISSN (electronic): 2051-3305
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/joe.2018.8003
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