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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Oliver ShannonORCiD
The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of a pre-loaded 1500 m treadmill time-trial, conducted in moderate normobaric hypoxia. Eight trained runners/ triathletes (24 ± 3 years, 73.2 ± 8.1 kg, 182.5 ± 6.5 cm, altitude specific V̇O2max: 52.9 ± 5.5 ml·kg-1·min-1) completed three trials (the first as a familiarisation), involving two, 15 minute running bouts at 45 % and 65 % V̇O2max, respectively, and a 1500 m time-trial in moderate normobaric hypoxia equivalent to a simulated altitude of 2500 m (FiO2 ~ 15 %). Heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation, skeletal muscle and cerebral tissue oxygenation (StO2), expired gas (V̇O2 and V̇CO2), and ratings of perceived exertion were monitored. Running performance (Trial 1: 352.7 ± 40; Trial 2: 353.9 ± 38.2 s) demonstrated a low CV (0.9 %) and high ICC (1). All physiological variables demonstrated a global CV ≤ 4.2 %, and ICC ≥ 0.87, with the exception of muscle (CV 10.4 %; ICC 0.70) and cerebral (CV 4.1 %; ICC 0.82) StO2. These data demonstrate good reliability of the majority of physiological variables, and indicate that a pre-loaded 1500 m time-trial conducted in moderate normobaric hypoxia is a highly reliable test of performance.
Author(s): Shannon OM, Barlow MJ, Duckworth L, Woods D, Barker T, Grindrod A, Griffiths A, OHara JP
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Year: 2016
Volume: 37
Issue: 10
Pages: 825-830
Print publication date: 01/09/2016
Online publication date: 23/06/2016
Acceptance date: 09/05/2016
Date deposited: 07/02/2018
ISSN (print): 0172-4622
ISSN (electronic): 1439-3964
Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-108651
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