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Corrigendum to "European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)" [Redox Biol. 13 (2017) 94-162]

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Elizabeth VealORCiD


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Author(s): Egea J, Fabregat I, Frapart YM, Ghezzi P, Gorlach A, Kietzmann T, Kubaichuk K, Knaus UG, Lopez MG, Olaso-Gonzalez G, Petry A, Schulz R, Vina J, Winyard P, Abbas K, Ademowo OS, Afonso CB, Andreadou I, Antelmann H, Antunes F, Aslan M, Bachschmid MM, Barbosa RM, Belousov V, Berndt C, Bernlohr D, Bertran E, Bindoli A, Bottari SP, Brito PM, Carrara G, Casas AI, Chatzi A, Chondrogianni N, Conrad M, Cooke MS, Costa JG, Cuadrado A, My-Chan Dang P, De Smet B, Debelec-Butuner B, Dias IHK, Dunn JD, Edson AJ, El Assar M, El-Benna J, Ferdinandy P, Fernandes AS, Fladmark KE, Forstermann U, Giniatullin R, Giricz Z, Gorbe A, Griffiths H, Hampl V, Hanf A, Herget J, Hernansanz-Agustin P, Hillion M, Huang J, Ilikay S, Jansen-Durr P, Jaquet V, Joles JA, Kalyanaraman B, Kaminskyy D, Karbaschi M, Kleanthous M, Klotz LO, Korac B, Korkmaz KS, Koziel R, Kracun D, Krause KH, Kren V, Krieg T, Laranjinha J, Lazou A, Li H, Martinez-Ruiz A, Matsui R, McBean GJ, Meredith SP, Messens J, Miguel V, Mikhed Y, Milisav I, Milkovic L, Miranda-Vizuete A, Mojovic M, Monsalve M, Mouthuy PA, Mulvey J, Munzel T, Muzykantov V, Nguyen ITN, Oelze M, Oliveira NG, Palmeira CM, Papaevgeniou N, Pavicevic A, Pedre B, Peyrot F, Phylactides M, Pircalabioru GG, Pitt AR, Poulsen HE, Prieto I, Rigobello MP, Robledinos-Anton N, Rodriguez-Manas L, Rolo AP, Rousset F, Ruskovska T, Saraiva N, Sasson S, Schroder K, Semen K, Seredenina T, Shakirzyanova A, Smith GL, Soldati T, Sousa BC, Spickett CM, Stancic A, Stasia MJ, Steinbrenner H, Stepanic V, Steven S, Tokatlidis K, Tuncay E, Turan B, Ursini F, Vacek J, Vajnerova O, Valentova K, Van Breusegem F, Varisli L, Veal EA, Yalcin AS, Yelisyeyeva O, Zarkovic N, Zatloukalova M, Zielonka J, Touyz RM, Papapetropoulos A, Grune T, Lamas S, Schmidt HHHW, Di Lisa F, Daiber A

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Redox Biology

Year: 2018

Volume: 14

Pages: 694-696

Print publication date: 01/04/2018

Online publication date: 26/10/2017

Acceptance date: 02/04/2016

ISSN (electronic): 2213-2317

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.


DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2017.10.001


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