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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Lydia WysockiORCiD
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In this case study postgraduate students' expectations of each other's talk in the classroom differed, with some evidence of shared opinions. Students said these expectations were and were not met by some or all students: these findings sound messy and unsatisfying, which I argue is the nature of classroom talk. This small-scale participant enquiry case study explored students' and tutors' perceptions of student classroom talk. The case was a one-year full-time taught Master's. The study drew on sociocultural theory of learning and used talk to understand how power (Foucault 1980) was felt in the classroom, in a context of widening participation and equity in higher education. The case study used a range of methods within a postmodern paradigm to investigate what participants wanted, expected, and perceived to happen. It asked who talked, what they said, and how they said it, each time focussing on what participants said happened rather than pursuing an objective truth. Mapping students' perceptions of talk involved using NVivo software to draw sociogram (Hopkins 2008, p.121) type maps of students' responses.
Author(s): Wysocki L
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: BERA Special Interest Group: Innovative research methods in the study of HE
Year of Conference: 2012
Online publication date: 25/04/2012
Date deposited: 14/09/2017
Publisher: BERA