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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Bennett HoggORCiD, Professor Magnus WilliamsonORCiD
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An electroacoustic composition created from voices missing from the Baldwin Part Books reconstructed/recomposed by Magnus Williamson. The piece began as a site-specific response to the recusant house Cheeseburn Grange. The piece tales the form of an eight channel installation, specifically designed for the stable courtyard at Cheeseburn, and though initially site-specific the work can be re-installed in other places.
Composer(s): Hogg B, Williamson MG
Publication type: Musical Composition
Publication status: Unknown
Year: 2017
Subtitle: electroacoustic sound installation
Type of Work: electroacoustic music
Notes: Presented four time during Summer 2017 at Cheeseburn Grange, to an estimated audience of 2,300 visitors