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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Zhiqiang HuORCiD
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A temperature-gradient-dependent elastic-plastic material model of ice is proposed for the numerical study ofthe influence of temperature-gradient on impact force in ship-iceberg collisions. The model is based on the‘Tsai-Wu’-type yield surface, and an empirical failure criterion is adopted. A series of yield surfaces with differentsizes but the same shape are obtained from the linear interpolation of test results to represent the continuoustemperature range in an iceberg. Temperature dependence is defined as the change in ice properties due tothe temperature gradient as a function of depth of the iceberg. Based on field test data, three types of iceberg temperatureprofiles are assumed. The ice model is implemented as a user-defined subroutine in the commercial explicitfinite element code LS-DYNA. Collisions between a rigid plate and different geometric iceberg shapes aresimulated to analyse the influence of iceberg geometry and ice model temperature. The calculated contactarea-pressure curves are compared with design laws to further calibrate the proposed ice model. Both a sharptemperature profile and low temperature range can increase the local contact pressure and global contactforce as the penetration increases. The simulation results show that the ice model can capture and be used todemonstrate the influence of temperature-gradient on contact force in ship-iceberg collisions.
Author(s): Shi C, Hu Z, Ringsberg J, Luo Y
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Cold Regions Science and Technology
Year: 2017
Volume: 133
Pages: 15-25
Print publication date: 01/01/2017
Online publication date: 20/10/2016
Acceptance date: 19/10/2016
Date deposited: 30/10/2016
ISSN (print): 0165-232X
ISSN (electronic): 1872-7441
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.10.005
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