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Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia Show No differences in Resting State Functional MRI

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Luis Peraza RodriguezORCiD, Dr Sean CollobyORCiD, Dr Michael FirbankORCiD, Professor Ian McKeith, Professor John O'Brien, Professor Alan ThomasORCiD, Professor John-Paul TaylorORCiD


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Introduction: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) aredifferentiated by the one-year rule between the onset Parkinsonism relative to the onset ofdementia. Both lie on the Lewy body disease spectrum and pathologically appear similar.Previous neuroimaging studies have reported however metabolic and structural differencesbetween PDD and DLB. In this study we sought to clarify, for the first time, if there weredifferences in the resting state functional MRI (fMRI). Methods: We studied resting state fMRI frompatients diagnosed with DLB (n=18) and PDD (n=12), and for comparison with included agematchedhealthy controls (HC, n=17). Patients groups were matched for attention (p-value=0.52)and executive (p-value=0.67) functions, frequency and severity of complex visual hallucinations(VHs, p-value=0.23) and also by the level of cognitive impairments (MMSE: p-value=0.51 andCAMCOG: p-value=0.94). Seed analysis was implemented in 12 brain regions within three restingstate network related to memory, attention and motor control: default mode network (DMN),fronto-parietal network (FPN), and sensory-motor network (MN). Groups were compared(unpaired t-tests) while controlling for age and sex confounds using FSL-randomise and multiplecomparison correction. Results: When comparing patient groups against HCs, the PDD groupshowed broader differences for the supplementary motor area (MN) seed than the DLB group. Forthe parietal seeds (FPN), DLB patients showed broader differences than PDDs when both groupswere compared against HCs. Equivalent impaired connectivity was found for seeds within theDMN (precuneus cortex) between patients and HCs. Finally, when comparing DLB against PDD,no functional differences were found for any of the 12 seeds studied. Conclusions: Previousinvestigations have reported structural differences between DLB and PDD, however bothconditions did not show any significant functional difference. Our results support the notion thatPDD and DLB are more similar than they are different.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Peraza LR, Colloby S, Firbank M, McKeith I, O'Brien J, Thomas A, Taylor J-P

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: International Dementia with Lewy Bodies Conference 2015

Year of Conference: 2015

Pages: 128-128

Acceptance date: 01/11/2015

ISSN: 2165-591X

Publisher: American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease


Notes: Poster P.74 Page 128
