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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Claire Ingram, Dr Richard Payne, Professor John FitzgeraldORCiD
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A collaborative SoS is a system composed of constituent systems (CSs), which areindependent and voluntarily cooperate without an agreed SoS director. Engineering emergentbehaviour is just one of the key engineering challenges for which support is needed. In thispaper we illustrate for the first time an integrated collection of model-based techniques forverifying behaviours and properties, with the aim of assisting the engineering of collaborativesystems of systems (SoSs). We provide an illustration of an approach that flows fromrequirements and architectural modelling to the use of formal techniques, integrating methodsdrawn from software and systems engineering fields to tackle engineering challenges in SoS.The approach incorporates architectural modelling (implemented in SysML) beforetransitioning to a formal modelling notation which has been developed specifically for SoSs.This formal modelling approach supports a wide range of analysis and verificationtechniques, such as: design space exploration; requirements verification; and consistencychecks. We also discuss how our approach can be incorporated into a standard systemsengineering approach.
Author(s): Ingram C, Payne R, Fitzgerald JS, Couto LD
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IS2015)
Year of Conference: 2015
Publisher: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)