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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Claire Ingram, Dr Richard Payne, Professor John FitzgeraldORCiD
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Patterns can support good decision-making in architectural design by encouraging the re-use of architectural concepts and allowing engineers to learn from experience gained in previous systems that have employed similar approaches. This paper presents modelling patterns for the architectural design of systems of systems (SoSs). Fundamental architectural principles for SoSs are introduced. We describe several architectural patterns suitable for SoS design, illustrating each pattern with an SoS example and identifying how it meets those fundamental SoS architectural principles. The patterns are presented as solutions to abstract architectural problems, which we hope will foster sharing of experiences and lessons across domains and disciplines.
Author(s): Ingram C, Payne R, Fitzgerald JS
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IS2015)
Year of Conference: 2015
Publisher: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)