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A high level objective for many international governments and local operators is that highways should be managed in a way that is sustainable in terms of a Low Carbon Energy future. Recent initiatives such as the Strategic Transport Technology Plan and the policy and legal framework promoted by the European Commissions’ Intelligent Transport system (ITS) Directive and ITS Action Plan may assist with this objective. However, many levels of complexity are inherent within the (ITS) schemes that are now part of highway management, due to the linkage of various technological components to complex systems and services. Maintaining efficient, sustainable co-operative performance is therefore a major task, with inconsistencies between product suppliers, network managers and operators. As a result, it is of considerable interest to the highway operators and high level policy makers to be able to assess the performance of individual ITS schemes and furthermore, to be able to compare performance between ITS schemes. In this paper, an illustration is provided of a methodology that can be used to assess the performance of ITS schemes according to a set of sustainability criteria. A case study is introduced which compares the performance of anticipated Active Traffic Management (ATM) schemes for what the road network operator (Highways England) perceive to be the four most congested highways in England (in terms of annual average daily traffic flows). Appropriate action can then be taken to improve the energy and sustainable management of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and transport systems for the benefit of a smarter, sustainable and efficient future.
Author(s): Kolosz BW, Grant-Muller SM
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Year: 2015
Volume: 60
Pages: 313-323
Print publication date: 01/11/2015
Online publication date: 29/09/2015
Acceptance date: 10/09/2015
ISSN (print): 0968-090X
ISSN (electronic): 1879-2359
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.09.004