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Collaborative Systems of Systems Need Collaborative Design

Lookup NU author(s): Professor John FitzgeraldORCiD, Dr Jeremy Bryans, Dr Peter Larsen


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Advances in smart devices and networks are enabling convergence between systems of systems and cyber-physical systems in which computing elements interact closely with the physical environment. The development and maintenance of such systems should be inherently collaborative, crossing boundaries of constituent system ownership as well as semantic differences between engineering notations and disciplines. We present instances of model-based methods and tools that aim to bridge these gaps. Using a case study from smart grid control, we discuss the challenges in realising collaborative systems of systems that merit the reliance placed on them.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Fitzgerald JS, Bryans JW, Larsen PG, Salim H

Editor(s): Camarinha-Matos, LM; Afsarmanesh, H

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014

Year of Conference: 2014

Number of Volumes: 1

Pages: 16-23

Date deposited: 11/02/2015

ISSN: 1868-4238

Publisher: Springer-Verlag


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_2

Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item

Series Title: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Series Editor(s): Sakarovitch, J; Goedicke, M; Tatnall, A; Neuhold, EJ; Pras, A; Tröltzsch, F; Pries-Heje, J; Whitehouse, D; Reis, R; Murayama, Y; Dillon, T; Gulliksen, J; Rauterberg, M

ISBN: 9783662447451
