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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Tom NyeORCiD
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Most phylogenetic analyses result in a sample of trees, but summarizing and visualizing these samples can be challenging. Consensus trees often provide limited information about a sample, and so methods such as consensus networks, clustering and multidimensional scaling have been developed and applied to tree samples. This paper describes a stochastic algorithm for constructing a principal geodesic or line through treespace which is analogous to the first principal component in standard principal components analysis. A principal geodesic summarizes the most variable features of a sample of trees, in terms of both tree topology and branch lengths, and it can be visualized as an animation of smoothly changing trees. The algorithm performs a stochastic search through parameter space for a geodesic which minimizes the sum of squared projected distances of the data points. This procedure aims to identify the globally optimal principal geodesic, though convergence to locally optimal geodesics is possible. The methodology is illustrated by constructing principal geodesics for experimental and simulated data sets, demonstrating the insight into samples of trees that can be gained and how the method improves on a previously published approach. A java package called GeoPhytter for constructing and visualizing principal geodesics is freely available from www. ncl. ac. uk/ntmwn/geophytter.
Author(s): Nye TMW
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Year: 2014
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages: 304-315
Print publication date: 04/03/2014
ISSN (print): 1545-5963
ISSN (electronic): 1557-9964
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2014.2309599
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