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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Phillip LordORCiD, Emeritus Professor Lindsay MarshallORCiD
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Semantic publishing can enable richer documents with clearer,computationally interpretable properties. For this vision to become re-ality, however, authors must beneft from this process, so that they areincentivised to add these semantics. Moreover, the publication processthat generates final content must allow and enable this semantic content.Here we focus on author-led or "grey" literature, which uses a convenientand simple publication pipeline. We describe how we have used meta-data in articles to enable richer referencing of these articles and how wehave customised the addition of these semantics to articles. Finally, wedescribe how we use the same semantics to aid in digital preservationand non-repudiability of research articles.
Author(s): Lord P, Marshall L
Editor(s): Castro, A.G., Lange, C., Lord, P., Stevens, R.
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: Sepublica 2013
Year of Conference: 2013
Pages: 10-21
Publisher: Semantic Publishing