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Generalized Formulation of Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM: Case I- Non-Equal DC Sources

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Mohamed DahidahORCiD


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The paper presents optimal solutions for eliminating harmonics from the output waveform of a multilevel staircase pulse-width modulation (PWM) method with non-equal dc sources. Therefore, the degrees of freedom for specifying the cost function increased without physical changes as compared to the conventional stepped waveform. The paper discusses an efficient hybrid real coded genetic algorithm (HRCGA) that reduces significantly the computational burden resulting in fast convergence. An objective function describing a measure of effectiveness of eliminating selected order of harmonics while controlling the fundamental for any number of levels and for any number of switching angels is derived. It is confirmed that multiple independent sets of solutions exist and the ones that offer better harmonic performance are identified. Different operating points including five- and seven-level inverters are investigated and simulated. Selected experimental results are reported to verify and validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC 2006)

Year of Conference: 2006

Pages: 1-6

ISSN: 0275-9306

Publisher: IEEE


DOI: 10.1109/PESC.2006.1711982

Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item

ISBN: 0780397169
