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A five-level symmetrically defined multilevel selective harmonic elimination pulsewidth modulation (MSHE-PWM) strategy is reported in this paper. It is mathematically expressed using Fourier-based equations on a line-to-neutral basis. An equal number of switching transitions when compared against the well-known multicarrier phase-shifted sinusoidal PWM (MPS-SPWM) technique is investigated. For this paper, it is assumed that the four triangular carriers of the MPS-SPWM method have nine per unit frequency resulting in seventeen switching transitions for every quarter period. For the proposed MSHE-PWM method, this allows control of sixteen harmonics and the fundamental. It is confirmed that the proposed MSHE-PWM offers significantly higher converter bandwidth in the standard range of the modulation indices. Moreover, when the bandwidth is reduced to be equal with the one offered with the MPS-PWM, the modulation index can be increased resulting in a higher gain and at a reduced switching frequency overall. Selected solutions for the switching transitions are presented and verified experimentally in order to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
Author(s): Agelidis VG, Balouktsis AI, Dahidah MSA
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics
Year: 2008
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Pages: 19-26
ISSN (print): 0885-8993
ISSN (electronic): 1941-0107
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2007.911770
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