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Comparison of land-based test setups for a ballast water management system

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Kayvan PazoukiORCiD, Katharine Carney, Dr Jane Delany, Professor Ehsan Mesbahi


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Two land-based setups were tested at different locations using the same combined treatment technologies, to assess the effect of different control and treated tanks condition as well as overall effectiveness of a ballast water treatment system. The test procedure included a five day storage period of organisms in the control and treated tanks as specifically advised in the type approval procedure for shipboard and land-based tests described in the IMO Guideline 'G8'. The configurations and materials of control and treated tanks used in each test location were different resulting in invalid test results at one testing location.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Pazouki K, Carney KJ, Delany J, Mesbahi E

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering

Year: 2011

Volume: 153

Issue: A3

Pages: A173-A183

Print publication date: 01/07/2011

ISSN (print): 1479-8751

ISSN (electronic): 1740-0716

Publisher: Royal Institution of Naval Architects


DOI: 10.3940/rina.ijme.2011.a3.206


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Funder referenceFunder name
European Project "BaWaPla" - Sustainable Ballast Water Management Plant"
031529European Union
