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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Simon HussainORCiD
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This paper replies to points raised by the editors of the ABS Guide, Huw Morris, Charles Harvey, Aidan Kelly and Michael Rowlinson (2011) in response to a paper published in a previous issue of Accounting Education: an international journal (20: 6) (Hussain 2011). It also makes reference to a paper by Alan Sangster (2011), which appeared in that same issue of the journal, detailing the personal experiences of an accounting researcher working in the specialisms of both education and history.
Author(s): Hussain S
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Accounting Education
Year: 2012
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Pages: 17-22
Print publication date: 01/02/2012
ISSN (print): 0963-9284
ISSN (electronic): 1468-4489
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/09639284.2011.650444
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