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A critical reliability evaluation of fibre reinforced composite materials based on probabilistic micro and macro-mechanical analysis

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Andrew Shaw, Professor Peter GoslingORCiD



In probabilistic composite mechanics, uncertainty modelling may be introduced at a constituent (micro-scale), ply (meso-scale) or component (macro-scale) level. Each of these approaches has particular advantages/limitations and appropriate fusing and benchmarking is desirable in order to improve confidence in probabilistic performance estimates of composite structures. In the present study, random variable based micro and macro-scale reliability analyses are critically compared through a limit state formulation based on the analytical stress tensor components of a rectangular simply supported orthotropic FRP composite plate and the Tsai-Hill failure criterion. The study aims to promote cross-fertilisation of alternative uncertainty modelling approaches in a multi-scale analysis framework. Propagation of uncertainty from micro to macro-scale, and the corresponding influence of changes in random variability on the reliability estimates is quantified. The importance of benchmarking experimentally-based probability distributions of mechanical properties through micro-scale modelling is illustrated, and the confidence that can be placed on reliability estimates is quantified through a series of numerical examples. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Shaw A, Sriramula S, Gosling PD, Chryssanthopoulos MK

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Composites Part B: Engineering

Year: 2010

Volume: 41

Issue: 6

Pages: 446-453

Print publication date: 01/09/2010

Date deposited: 19/11/2010

ISSN (print): 1359-8368

ISSN (electronic):

Publisher: Elsevier


DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2010.05.005


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