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A Formal Model for SDL Specifications based on Timed Rewriting Logic

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Jason StegglesORCiD



SDL (Specification and Description Language) is a standard industrial formal description technique for real--time distributed systems which is based on communicating finite state machines. Despite its wide spread use and industrial importance SDL lacks at present a complete and integrated formal semantics. In this paper we begin to develop such a formal semantics for SDL using a new algebraic formalism called Timed Rewriting Logic (TRL). TRL is a specification formalism which extends standard algebraic specification techniques by allowing the dynamic behaviour of systems to be axiomatised using term rewriting rules. The rewrite rules can be labelled with time constraints which provide a means of reasoning about time elapse in real--time systems. The formal semantics we develop captures in an intuitive way the hierarchical structure of SDL specifications and integrates within one formalism the static and dynamic aspects of an SDL system. It also provides a natural basis for analysing, verifying, testing and composing SDL systems. We demonstrate the approach we develop by considering modelling an SDL specification for the so called bump game.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Steggles LJ, Kosiuczenko P

Publication type: Report

Publication status: Published

Series Title: Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series

Year: 1998

Pages: 20

Print publication date: 01/01/1998

Source Publication Date: 1998

Report Number: 637

Institution: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Place Published: Newcastle upon Tyne

