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Lookup NU author(s): Owen Davies, Professor Mohamed Rouainia, Professor Stephanie Glendinning, Dr Stephen BirkinshawORCiD
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A numerical method for predicting the seasonal pore water pressure changes and consequently the shrinking and swelling of a clay cutting is proposed. The cutting is located on the A34 Newbury bypass and has been extensively monitored by Smethurst et al (2006) since January 2003. A hydrological finite difference model, SHETRAN, is used to accurately predict the pore water pressure changes within the cutting using meteorological data together with soil data and vegetation properties. The daily surface pore water pressure changes are then imported into a geotechnical finite difference program FLAC tp flow which is used to predict the mechanical response of the cutting. This paper details the comparability of the hydraulic simulation with 1 year observed data and further predicts the hydraulic and mechanical response over the next 3 years.
Author(s): Davies O, Rouainia M, Glendinning S, Birkinshaw SJ
Editor(s): Ellis, E
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: Advances in Transportation Geotechnics: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
Year of Conference: 2008
Pages: 481-486
ISSN: 9780415475907
Publisher: London: Taylor Francis
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item